This Week’s #Parenting on Twitter

You might find that work, parenting, sleeping, and other obligations keep you from getting on Twitter as much as you’d really like to during the week. And that’s ok – it’s what we’re here for. Here are our 10 favorite Tweets this week that tell it like it is when it comes to parenting.

This Week's #Parenting on Twitter | Bottles & Banter

1. Glamorous, ain’t it?


2. The best thing about having a dog.


3. Called my bluff.


4. Or Legos. Or toy egg shells.


5. You can do it!


6. Good thing I didn’t want to sleep tonight.



7. Tired is now just a normal life state.


8. Oh no.


9. Look him in the eye while you do it.


10. No, it’s your turn.